Top 4 reasons why drivers prefer stick shift vehicles

For the past seventy years, manual transmission cars have been steadily losing their popularity in the US. However, in recent years, the sales of manual transmission cars are increasing in the US. So what are the reasons why driver have always preferred stick shift vehicles in the US? The primary reasons are as follows. #1 Stick Shift Increases Driver Engagement Stick shift drivers are more engaged with their car. They have to operate the clutch, change the gears and keep an eye on the RPM of the engine. Hence, they do not have the time to send a text or check their emails. Since they are not distracted, the chances of them crashing their car go down. On the other hand, automatic car owners don’t have to do anything except brake and steer. Everything is done by the car on its own. This lets automatic car owners to use their phone and be distracted – which leads to fatal accidents. Moral of the story – drive a manual car like a Nissan Skyline GT - R34 and stay relatively safe on ...