Fleet GPS Trackers Will Dictate Fleet Management in 2024

Did you ever ask a fellow fleet manager for advice? If you did, you knew the value of the experience they held. Now, just imagine what you can learn not just from a few fleets but hundreds of them - all at once. Search for fleet tech trend reports on the web, and you’ll find what you need. Reports from market researchers contain insights from fleets of all types and sizes to provide readers with a macro view of the entire logistics landscape. Surveys covered the most difficult challenges fleets face, their ultimate objectives, and how they aim to leverage technology to enhance their operations while promoting safety. The results help fleet owners and managers benchmark against industry trends and make informed decisions about fleet management. Here are the top three fleet trends that will prevail in 2024. GPS will be necessary Today, technology is integral to human life and isn’t different for fleet businesses. Almost 3 out of 4 organizations use fleet GPS tracker devices or fleet...