How Can A GPS Tracker for Fleet Vehicles Increase Fuel Efficiency

According to experts, fuel costs amount to approximately 60% of a fleet’s total operational expenses. Naturally, an experienced fleet manager will prioritize fuel consumption and attempt to control it. It’s especially true during times like these when gas prices are at an all-time high. This situation forces managers to hold the reins on fleet fuel costs even tighter while maintaining all operations. Fleets are even coming under the lens of the government to reduce carbon emissions and support their organizations to meet their environment-saving target. Fuel efficiency improvement strategies Fleet managers hoping to create a more environmentally friendly and fuel-efficient fleet should consider incorporating the following fleet management tactics. 1. Comparing usage trends - When you target fuel usage patterns, pay attention to the bigger picture. You must know your fuel consumption and idling trends of the last three months or the current trends on aggressive driving, idlin...